
Video Restaurant review Summary

What is focused on the review ?
Food which is served ( about the taste ) .
Th e fact that it is healthy.

How does it differ from the written review in presentation and content ? What feature does it have in common with? 
My partner didn't show up, so I could not do.

Is the review neutral or partisan? 
Neutral. Maybe slightly partisan , because she said the restaurant is good before she entered the shop.

Are the chefs~ ?
In the kitchen. Closer up look of  the cooking.
No particular person was taken up, but she said they were "Sweet and generous".

What is reveled~ ?
There are special menus for vegan customers ( The interviewer is not vegan. She ate chicken ).

What criticisms~ ?
She just says she likes vegetables and does not comment that much on how it was made.

Notice~ ?
She speaks in a pleasant way, and she is always smiling throughout the video clip.

Are there any~ ?
She put in a brief explanation about a vegetable called "TARRAGON" which no one is likely to know about with comical music. Good technique.

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