
Book report 2

Summary: Northern parts of England enjoyed or rather had the benefit of having a better standard of living than southern parts because northern people kept cows, and were able to get milk from them. People of the south had a rather dry diet.

Expectations: Much more in detail than I expected.
I actually had expected the book to be a dull explanation of the history if drinks in England, but it turned out to be a book fill with information about things we would never have been in touch with if we had not read this book.

Recommend to others: No. Too difficult. It may be a good book if you are making a detailed research on the history of beverages in England. But otherwise I would not suggest you to read this book because it is too complex !

Enlightening,, interesting : 18th, 19th, 20th, 21st century England's "Water", "Milk", "Tea", "Coffee", "Beer" , "Wine" is explained in detail.
If you like social studies, it would be interesting.

Disappointing: Too difficult. So much to read. I didn't get to read it through properly.

Annoying: Uses too many numerals. I would have preferred the author to have used more concrete words to explain the situations.

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