
Book Report 3

I will go on to explaining the inside of the book , Liquid Pleasures.
This book is not, strictly speaking, written in chapters.
You could say this book consists of 8 major parts.

1: The history of drinking water in England
2: The relationships of Milk and England
3: Tea and sugar consumption in England
4: Percentage of coffee drinkers
5: Soft drinks and young people
6: Numbers of brewers in England and Wales
7: Beer consumption in the UK in the 19th century
8: Frequency of drinking spirits

(These are not names of the chapters. I put names to them to make it easier to look at)

 As you can see this book mainly focuses it's target on the modern history of drinks in England. Starting from water, it goes on to milk, tea, coffee, soft drinks, breweries in England, beer, spirits. In the chapters of coffee and tea, it shows detailed figures of household consumption of them. Not only that, but in almost every part of this book, there are numerals, graphs, and figures. As I said in my previous blogs, personally I would have preferred the author to have used less figures and more concrete examples.

This is a short movie about a man who is visiting England ( probably from America)  He clearly states that he is now addicted to tea.

 Though he only mentions about tea near the beginning of the movie, it is enough to give us the impression that English people absolutely love tea.

Video Restaurant review Summary

What is focused on the review ?
Food which is served ( about the taste ) .
Th e fact that it is healthy.

How does it differ from the written review in presentation and content ? What feature does it have in common with? 
My partner didn't show up, so I could not do.

Is the review neutral or partisan? 
Neutral. Maybe slightly partisan , because she said the restaurant is good before she entered the shop.

Are the chefs~ ?
In the kitchen. Closer up look of  the cooking.
No particular person was taken up, but she said they were "Sweet and generous".

What is reveled~ ?
There are special menus for vegan customers ( The interviewer is not vegan. She ate chicken ).

What criticisms~ ?
She just says she likes vegetables and does not comment that much on how it was made.

Notice~ ?
She speaks in a pleasant way, and she is always smiling throughout the video clip.

Are there any~ ?
She put in a brief explanation about a vegetable called "TARRAGON" which no one is likely to know about with comical music. Good technique.


Book report 2

Summary: Northern parts of England enjoyed or rather had the benefit of having a better standard of living than southern parts because northern people kept cows, and were able to get milk from them. People of the south had a rather dry diet.

Expectations: Much more in detail than I expected.
I actually had expected the book to be a dull explanation of the history if drinks in England, but it turned out to be a book fill with information about things we would never have been in touch with if we had not read this book.

Recommend to others: No. Too difficult. It may be a good book if you are making a detailed research on the history of beverages in England. But otherwise I would not suggest you to read this book because it is too complex !

Enlightening,, interesting : 18th, 19th, 20th, 21st century England's "Water", "Milk", "Tea", "Coffee", "Beer" , "Wine" is explained in detail.
If you like social studies, it would be interesting.

Disappointing: Too difficult. So much to read. I didn't get to read it through properly.

Annoying: Uses too many numerals. I would have preferred the author to have used more concrete words to explain the situations.

Restaurant Review 3

I will go on to the evaluations of the shop "Pomme no ki "

1. Greeted in a pleasuring manner ?  ○

2. (After being seated-Server)  Arrived within 1-2 minutes ? ○

3. Knowledgeable about items ? ○

4. Serve drinks within 3-6 minutes ? ○

5. Served within 12 minutes/15 minutes ? ×

6. Complete, correct, well prepared ? ○

7. Beverage refills ? ○

8. Offer to open door ? ○

9. Neat and professional appearance ? ○

10. Was manager visiting tables ? ×

8/10 in total.

80 Percent fulfilled.

 Generally, the cooking was delicious and the attitude of the people of the store was good. I would like to come here on another occasion.

Stylish outside view of " Pomme no ki "

Restaurant Review 2

I will go on to the time I visited the restaurant " Pomme no ki"


17:15   Arrived at the restaurant. No people were waiting. We were led to our seats soon.

17:17   Given menus.

17:25   Ordered dishes.

17:40   Dishes were served.

18:10   Finished eating.

18:11   Left the restaurant

Location:  Shibuya ( About five minutes from The Hachi Kou Square)

Business hours:  11:00 ~ 23:00

Smoking seats, Non smoking seats available

Price range:  700 ~ 1500

Good quality omelettes

Negative points:   Takes time to serve although there are not that many customers.
                         It took up to 20 minutes to serve a small omelette.

                         The shop assistants seemed to be braking dishes in the background some                                

Restaurant Review 1

I will be doing a review about a restaurant called "ポムの樹" (The tree of Pomme) which is located in the city center of Shibuya, Tokyo.

The shop had a 30 percent discount on the 6th day of every month.
It is a little hard to explain it in English, but in Japanese but you can read "06" as "omu" , and that stands for omelette.
They even say that the sixth is the day for omelettes!

That's me deciding what to order lol

The grand menu.

So many.....


To choose from!!!!!!

I finally decided on the simple Cheese Omelette.

 The Inside of the shop.

I will go on to the evaluations and other things on my next post.

Brief introduction about the book, "Liquid Pleasures"

          Hello, I'm Soichiro, and I'm going to introduce this book, "Liquid Pleasures"

 This book is mainly about the social history and consumption of common beverages in The United Kingdom. 
It explains how British people had a hard time in even drinking water ( especially in large cities like London) .

 From now on, I will go on explaining the gist of this book.